Restless Leg Syndrome and possible Treatments

Being well-rested with enough sleep is an underrated feeling. Lack of enough sleep greatly disrupts your day’s productivity and, ultimately, your quality of life. Your sleep can be interrupted by conditions such as restless leg syndrome. This condition makes you feel the urge to move your legs, especially in the evenings when you are resting. If you are going through restless leg syndrome in El Paso, read on below to determine its effects and possible treatments.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome?

 This condition causes an uncontrollable urge to keep moving your legs due to an uncomfortable sensation. This mostly happens in the evening or night when lying down or sitting. The movement temporarily eases the unpleasant feeling.

The condition, also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, may begin at any age worsening as you get older. This disrupts sleep which in turn interferes with your daily activities. Symptoms may be relieved by lifestyle changes or simple self-care steps. Medications are also an effective solution.

Signs and Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome

The main characteristic is the urge to move the legs with others such as:

  • Movement, usually like stretching or pacing, usually relieves the RLS sensation
  • The sensations typically start when you’ve been sitting or lying down for an extended time
  • Your legs may twitch and kick throughout the night while you sleep
  • The symptoms worsen mainly at night

RLS symptoms are usually described as unpleasant, abnormal feelings in your feet or legs. They happen on both sides of your body, with minor occurrences on your arms. The sensations on your limbs are described as:

  • Electric
  • Creeping
  • Crawling
  • Throbbing
  • Pulling
  • Itching
  • Aching

The sensations are tricky to describe, with the symptoms fluctuating in severity. The symptoms may also disappear for periods and then return.


 There is no known cause for RLS though suspected causes may include:

  • Heredity: RLS runs in families more so if it begins before the age of 40
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy may temporarily worsen RLS signs and symptoms

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of RLS is based on the following criteria made by the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group:

  • You have a strong, irresistible urge to move your legs combined with uncomfortable sensations
  • Symptoms begin or get worse when resting,i.e., when lying down or sitting
  • Activity temporarily relieves the symptoms
  • Symptoms get worse at night
  • Symptoms medically unexplainable

A physical and neurological exam may be required. Referral to a sleep specialist is also a possible diagnostic method.

Treatment may involve treating an underlying condition such as iron deficiency to relieve RLS symptoms. Patients with RLS without any underlying conditions receive treatment based on lifestyle changes. Medications may be necessary if lifestyle changes are not effective. These include:

  • Opioids
  • Sleep medications
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Medications that increase dopamine in the brain

RLS is generally a condition that may last for life. Therefore, lifestyle changes are very crucial in dealing with the condition. If these symptoms affect your life, visit our website or call our offices in El Paso, TX.