What You Should Know About Doing a Skin Test for Allergies

When you realize you are constantly reacting to certain substances or irritants, it is good to investigate why you are reacting. You might be allergic to the substances, which can be confirmed through several tests. You can learn the most practical test from Bridgewater Rasparcare allergy testing specialists. However, a skin test is the most common test for allergic reactions, and your provider will probably recommend it first. Here is what you need to know when considering the skin test.

You Can Test for Specific Allergies

A skin test enables your provider to test for specific allergies if you suspect what might be causing your reaction. Therefore, talk to your doctor about anything you think might be associated with your reactions and discuss if it is necessary to test for the specific allergies. A skin test can reveal if you have a latex allergy, bee venom allergy, penicillin allergy, food allergies, eczema, allergic asthma, or hay fever. Evaluate your exposure and tell your doctor what you think is behind your symptoms.

There are Different Skin Tests

As you consider skin tests for allergies, you have to determine if you will get a patch test, injection, or prick test. These tests will diagnose different allergens, and you should try to identify possible allergens first before selecting the type of test you need. The prick test can test for pollen, dander, mold, or food allergies all at once, while an injection test can diagnose penicillin or venom allergies. The patch test lasts for several days and effectively determines delayed reactions.

Medications Could Interfere with Your Test

You must discuss your current medications with your doctor as you consider a skin test. Your medications could prevent your skin from reacting to the allergen involved in your test, affecting the finding. About ten days before your test, you will have to stop taking antihistamines, certain asthma medications, some heartburn medicines, and tricyclic antidepressants.

You Can Test for Lots of Allergens at Once

You do not have to book different appointments or have your provider repeat testing for every allergen you suspect. All can be tested at once. Your doctor will use an alcohol swab to clean your forearm and mark your arm. They will then expose an allergen to every mark they have made and prick the allergen with a needle to get it to your skin. But separate needles will be used for pricking to avoid contaminations.

Expect Slight Discomfort

A skin test is not painful, but you will experience slight discomfort during the test. Also, the allergen may react to your skin before the test is over and cause it to become red or swollen. These effects might last for several days, depending on the severity of your reaction. That is why it is vital to have your test done at the doctor’s office since there is access to emergency medication should the situation worsen. However, severe reactions are rare.

Waiting for Results

You will wait at your doctor’s office for the skin test results. The allergen may stay on your skin for up to 40 minutes for more accurate results. But your doctor might record results at the 20th, 30th, and 40th-minute mark before making conclusions.

You should seek allergy testing throughout your life and not only when reacting to substances since you can outgrow old allergies and develop new ones. Reach out to Respacare allergy testing specialists for more information. You can also book your skin test appointment online.