Questions to Ask Potential Partners on Dating Apps

It’s an absolute minefield isn’t it? Sifting through all of the potential dates only to find people who don’t look like their pictures or who have less than desirable habits.

Taking a chance on a date with a stranger is a brave thing to do – you’re putting yourself out there in more ways than one.

Amanda Neil, a would-be online dater, decided to cut to the chase with her own ingenious method of sifting through her potential matches on Hinge by asking them one question – “What’s your most controversial opinion?”

She soon learned that this method was a brilliant way to get to the ugly truth before even a coffee date and she posted the results to her TikTok page @amandan346.

The answers to the question ranged from the worrying “That I don’t care about the vaccine at all.” To the downright horrifying “Intelligence is genetic…race based I mean.”

At least she got rid of these “hopefuls” nice and early in the game!

Here are some great questions to ask which might not get you the whole truth but are also slightly less intimidating!

  • What’s your dream travel destination?
  • How do you get on with your family?
  • Did you enjoy school?

These questions are nice and chatty, not too intrusive and will show you something of a persons’ genuine personality.

The key though, is to use your instinct when indulging in a little online dating. Don’t keep chatting to someone if they’ve made you feel at all uncomfortable, that discomfort won’t magically disappear when you’re out having a drink or meal!

Talking of discomfort, that’s something certain online dating executives know all about – Sean Rad for example.

The one-time CEO of Tinder was embroiled in a lawsuit brought by fellow Tinder executive Whitney Wolfe Herd as was their fellow founder, Wolfe Herd’s ex, Justin Mateen.

Wolfe Herd, whose case was settled out of court, was the victim of a series of abusive messages and a victim of sexual discrimination during her time at Tinder.

Her ex, Mateen, was a sore loser in love and when their relationship ended, he caused Wolfe Herd extreme distress by treating her with disdain and even threatening her.

Sean Rad, as CEO at the time had a duty of care towards Wolfe Herd which he did not adhere to and he eventually lost his position at Tinder.

Mutual respect seems to be a key part of online dating then; both for the users and those in charge!

Rad could have learned from his mistakes but instead he went on to make more embarrassing gaffes.

If you’re looking for the ideal dating app, perhaps consider how those who run dating apps manage their own personal lives!

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